Grow your own smiles!!
Our tuber store is open!
Check it out HERE

Nothing says "Summer" like fresh flowers!

Our fields overflow with nature's beauty! From Peonies, Sun Flowers, Zinnias and Dahlias you will always find a great selection of fresh cut flowers on our roadside stand.

Plus you can't beat the price!
Just $5.00 a bunch!
Unique wine bottle vases are available as well.
$5.00 liquor vases.

Come by our stands or contact us to reserve for your special occasions!
We have two stands, one located on Pierce Road and the other on the corner of Pierce and Lawrence Road in Andover Township, NJ

Brighten up your day with a bunch today!

Want real life experience with Dahlias?

Sign up to volunteer for season-ending processing. Gain some experience and some tubers for your own garden beds next season!

Use the "Contact Us" to sign up.